Teaching Principles & Methods – Book 8
MAY 1, 2025 – JuLY 31, 2025
Registration Will Open in April 2025
The Bible Training Center
Life-On-Life Equipping for Ministry
- Provides the “irreducible minimum”
- Exhorts students to personal obedience and growth toward maturity in Christ
- Trains students to properly handle the Word of God
- Focused on biblical principles, truths and concepts, not mere accumulation of knowledge
- Equips with knowledge and practical skills
- Promotes an ongoing process of assimilation of knowledge
- Church-based, comprehensive education
- No traditional measuring devices such as exams and term papers
- Trans-denominational setting
- Student motivation comes from a personal desire to be biblically equipped, not from grade point averages, or fear of failure on exams
- Enables and encourages students to equip and train others
Courses are very affordable and are based on the local setting. Classes are conducted in a relational setting.
Students will usually be able to prepare for class, spending about 1 hour of home study per hour of classroom participation.
Students will systematically study every book of the Bible and develop practical ministry skills, in order to be equipped to serve in their churches and live a joyful, multiplying life of discipleship.
Regardless of your academic background, you can be biblically equipped to serve the Lord. For that reason, we do not use traditional measuring devices like exams or term papers.
4243 E. Lumsden Rd, Valrico, FL 33594
Presented by:
- The Bridge Worship Community
- Crossing Cultures International
Class 2022-2026 Schedule
Teaching Principles & Methods – Book 8
May 1, 2025 – July 31, 2025 ***Registration to Open April 2025***
Church History – Book 9
August 7, 2025 – December 4, 2025
Missions, Evangelism & Discipleship – Book 10
December 11, 2025 – April 23, 2026
Graduation ** Class of 2026 **
April 25,2026 at 10am, 4243 E Lumsden in Valrico
New Classes Coming! ** Class of 2030 **
Tentatively – September 2026 – April 2030
Bible Study Methods & Interpretation – Book 1
Class of 2030 – TBD
Old Testament Survey – Book 2
New Testament Survey – Book 3
Preaching Bible Messages & Pastoral Ministry – Book 4
Bible Doctrine Survey – Book 5
Personal Spiritual Life – Book 6
Church Ministry/Administration/Education – Book 7

What’s in Our Bible Training Program?
Course/Book Features (10 Books)
Bible Study Methods & Interpretation – Book 1
An introduction to basic Bible study methods and rules of interpretation with emphasis on accurately understanding and obeying God’s Word and the development of practical skills. Students will learn to determine what Scripture says, what it means, and how it can be applied.
Study the Word of God to know the God of the Word
Old Testament Survey – Book 2
A broad overview and survey of the Old Testament designed to emphasize the structure, theme and message of the Old Testament and each of its 39 individual books in order to provide understanding of God’s self-revelation and His plan of redemption.
Sacred scripture makes us wise for salvation and sanctification.
New Testament Survey – Book 3
An overview survey of the New Testament focusing on the theme, purpose, structure and basic content of each individual book and relating each book to the whole Bible. Strong emphasis is also given to the applicational message of each book.
Knowing the content and structure of the New Testament will enable pastors and church leaders to know Christ more fully and minister to people more effectively.
Preaching Bible Messages & Pastoral Ministry – Book 4
The first part of this course, Preaching Biblical Messages, is designed to equip and train students with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare and communicate expository messages from God’s Word. The goal of these messages is that they be biblically accurate and responsive to the needs of people. Emphasis is placed on practical preparation of the preacher and his message with numerous examples and practice assignments. The second part of the course, Pastoral Ministry, is designed to equip students with knowledge and practical skills required for effective ministry in the church which is fruitful from God’s perspective.
The person who honors Christ is committed to communicating the Word of God and to ministering to the people God has entrusted to him.
Bible Doctrine Survey – Book 5
A survey and summary of the ten major doctrines of the Bible with an emphasis on the pastor or church leader knowing God more fully while understanding and practicing sound theology.
…let him who boasts boast in this— that he understands and knows me. (Jer. 9:23-24 ESV)
Personal Spiritual Life – Book 6
This course is designed to teach pastors and church leaders the basic concepts and principles of the spiritual life so that they can personally grow to spiritual maturity and live a life that is pleasing to God.
The pastor or church leader should be personally growing in relationship to Christ and in relationships with others.
Church Ministry/Administration/Education – Book 7
This course is designed to introduce pastors and church leaders to the basic principals related to the nature, structure and function of the church and to teach them the practical knowledge and skills necessary for the local church to effectively carry out its functional roles in the areas of ministry, administration and education.
When the church properly and effectively functions as a spiritual organization in the areas of ministry, administration, and education the real needs of people will be met, the church will grow to spiritual maturity and God will be glorified as His kingdom is advanced.
Teaching Principles & Methods – Book 8
Designed to equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach God’s Word. Much emphasis is placed on the pastor’s role as teacher and the biblical goal of teaching the Word so people can grow to maturity in Christ.
Church History Survey – Book 9
This course is designed to introduce pastors and church leaders to the principal people; the major political, historical, and cultural developments; the main religious movements; and the doctrinal issues which have influenced and shaped the Christian church throughout its 2000 year history.
Missions is the mission of the church.
Missions, Evangelism & Discipleship – Book 10
This three-part course is designed to ground pastors and church leaders in the basic biblical principles of missions, evangelism, and discipleship so that the church can accomplish its God-given task of bringing lost people to Christ and building them up in Christ.
Evangelism and discipleship are what the church does in missions.
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