Engage with the Bible
- Read it
- Listen to it
- Memorize it
- Meditate on it
- Study it
- Live it
- Share it
Read the Bible
- Prayerfully
- Repeatedly
- Contextually
- Thoughtfully
- Imaginatively
Types of Studies
- Book
- Topical
- Biographical
- Word
- Theological
When searching for the meaning of a passage our primary goal should be to learn the author’s intended meaning, not what the passage means to us.
Questions to Ask When Studying the Bible
- What is the main idea of the Bible passage?
- What does it say?
- What does it mean?
- What does it teach about God?
- What does it teach about each character?
- How does it apply to me?
- Is there an example to follow?
- Is there a sin to avoid?
- Is there a command to obey?
- Is there a condition to be met?
- Is there a promise to claim?
- How will I challenge and motivate myself to do what the Bible passage says?